Kings of the Arena - Dev Blog #8

It has been exactly one whole year since I first embarked on this project. Although the game hasn't been in development for quite some time, I've decided to come back and write a dev blog since I kinda never finished it off. Last time I wrote one was September 2017 and now it's August of the next year, so what's changed? Well, not much really. I went back to uni after the last one and only worked on the game for a bit in December.

In March, I published the game on

I had it sitting around and thought "hey, I got this game I put a lot of work into and it's pretty fun." So I published it to the world for anyone to play, and remove the need for me to upload a build to Google Drive every time I wanted to play with my friends.

Speaking of playing with my friends... a couple times this year we hopped on just for a laugh. A few bugs were found and of course they were abused to hell. Things like the Mage's shield giving a speed boost every time it was casted and the fact that the shield done nothing at all to protect the player. This prompted me to make a small update, fixing these bugs so we could play a fair game. Also one of my friends has an Apple computer, which meant I had to make a Mac build. So if any of you Apple users have wanted to play this game, now you can.

There's still only one map in the game since I haven't found a reason to make another one. The gameplay from I saw during the playtests, just seemed to consist of players running around in the open, shooting and dodging.

I've thought about doing a post mortem on the game, yet I don't really consider it a finished product. There are many things I want to add and fix, yet my focus is on other projects at the moment. I'll probably return to this thing one day and continue working on it, or maybe restart it totally like I done originally.

If this is the first dev blog you've read of this game, then I highly recommend you go check out the previous ones. They were back when I was actually developing the game and you can see both the progress and process of the game and how it came to be what it is today.